

RiverTough bearings run in combination with hard coated nickel-chrome-boron (NiCrB) Thordon shaft sleeves routinely outlast rubber bearings by a factor of two or more in the most abrasive operating water conditions.RiverTough offers increased resilience compared to rubber bearings offering easier alignment and less edge loading (installation at 3:1 vs. 4:1 L/D ratio).

Thordon RiverTough bearings can be installed using an interference freeze fit or bonded in place using a Thordon-approved adhesive. Interference fit is often recommended for new build installations where the housing bore is consistent and concentric. Bonding is often the best option for repair installations where the housing bore may not be ideal.


  • Wear rates in muddy waters are half that of rubber bearings - or less
  • Increased resilience offers easy alignment (3:1 L/D ratio)
  • Easy installation
  • Eliminates stick-slip and vibration when operating at lower shaft speeds
  • Proven - Hundreds of inland and coastal waterways references
  • Zero to low maintenance

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