
For Any Media Inquiries

Please contact Ms. Emma Gerard, Marketing Communications Specialist


  • News-Thumbnails-320x160_NW23-Pump

    Thordon Pump & Industrial NewsWorks 2023

    Thordon’s web-based newsletter specifically developed to promote our successes with oil-free and grease-free bearings. This particular newsletter includes feature articles that highlight successes we have had with cooling water pumps, irrigation pumps, offshore well pumps, as well as pumps and machinery in the mining industry.
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  • News Thumbnails 320x160_NW23-MF

    Thordon Merchant Fleet NewsWorks 2023

    Thordon’s web-based newsletter specifically developed for marine users of oil-free and grease-free bearings in the merchant marine sector. This newsletter includes articles that highlight our successes on tankers, bulk cargo carriers, ferries, and cruise ships with COMPAC seawater-lubricated propeller shaft bearings, and ThorPlas-Blue deck equipment installed and used around the world. We also introduce Thordon’s new BlueWater Seal and highlight the largest rudder bearing Thordon has ever produced.
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  • News-Thumbnails-320x160_PNW21

    Thordon Pump & Industrial NewsWorks 2021

    Thordon’s web-based newsletter specifically developed to promote our successes with oil-free and grease-free bearings. This particular newsletter includes feature articles that highlight successes we have had in the pump, water treatment and mining industries, and the tens of thousands of dollars that end users have saved by installing Thordon’s products.
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