Rudder Bearings

SXL Rudder Bearings

15-Year Rudder Bearing Guarantee for Newbuilds
SXL Rudder Carrier Bearing

Reliability, long wear life and superior customer service have made Thordon the first choice in pollution free rudder bearing applications for over 25 years with an impressive reference list of over 4000 vessels. Thordon SXL self lubricating pintle, stock and carrier disc bearings operate grease-free, above and below the waterline.

For newbuildings, Thordon Bearings offers a 15 year bearing wear life guarantee or for conversions offering twice the life of the replaced material to a maximum of 10 years. Both guarantees are unmatched by any other rudder bearing supplier. With a worldwide distribution network Thordon rudder bearings can be delivered fast to any ship repair facility in the world.

Thordon SXL rudder bearings offer low friction, operating pressures up to 12 N/mm2 (1740 psi) and the complete elimination of grease and greasing systems removing any risk of pollution. Thordon SXL can also withstand high shock loads and edge loading.

In addition to SXL pintle, stock and carrier disc bearings, SXL TRAXL or ThorPlas, can be specified grease free in steering and linkage applications, as well as fin stabilizers. In workboat applications, ThorPlas is recommended for the more highly loaded bushings in the tiller arm and "jockey-bar" linkages. Both products operate grease free saving you time, money and the risk of pollution.

Thordon self lubricating rudder stock seals provide exceptional wear life, completing the rudder bearing package.

15 Year Bearing Wear Life Guarantee

Thordon’s SXL Rudder Bearing Wear Life Guarantee covers rudder pintle, stock and carrier disc bearings above and below the waterline in Classed vessels.

In new build applications, Thordon SXL rudder bearings will meet Class Society wear specifications for 15 years or Thordon Bearings lnc. will supply a new rudder bearing free of charge.*

In conversion applications, Thordon SXL rudder bearings will meet Class Society wear specifications for twice the life of the replaced competitive bearing, up to a maximum of 10 years or Thordon Bearings Inc. will supply a new rudder bearing free of charge.*

The SXL Rudder Bearing Wear Life Guarantee applies to the owner of the ship at the time of installation and is non-transferable.  Engineering details contained in the Guarantee Application such as Classification Society, vessel name, ship owner’s name the guarantee will apply to, rudder specifications, etc. will be required prior to issuing the guarantee and must be submitted to Thordon Bearings.  Owners will receive a Rudder Bearing Wear Life Guarantee Certificate from Thordon Bearings.

*Guarantee is subject to prior approval by Thordon Bearings Inc. and limited to the supply of replacement bearing(s) and is in accordance with the Company's Limited Warranty.


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Thordon Bearings Sizing Calculation Program

The final (fully finished) sizing of a Thordon elastomer or ThorPlas bearing can be determined by using the Thordon Bearing Sizing Calculation Program.
You cannot run the Thordon Bearing Sizing Calculation Program without a User Registration Number.
Once you have a User Registration Number you can download the Program below and enter it when prompted.

Step 1 - Register:
Click here to Request a Bearing Sizing Program User Registration Number

Step 2 - Download:

If you have a Bearing Sizing Program User Registration Number, you can download the program here

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    Thordon Merchant Fleet NewsWorks 2023

    Thordon’s web-based newsletter specifically developed for marine users of oil-free and grease-free bearings in the merchant marine sector. This newsletter includes articles that highlight our successes on tankers, bulk cargo carriers, ferries, and cruise ships with COMPAC seawater-lubricated propeller shaft bearings, and ThorPlas-Blue deck equipment installed and used around the world. We also introduce Thordon’s new BlueWater Seal and highlight the largest rudder bearing Thordon has ever produced.
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    Thordon's Dredger References Grow with New Orders from Suez Canal Authority

    Dec 02, 2020
    The Suez Canal Authority (SCA) has replaced the rubber cutterhead bearings on the 102m (335ft) dredger Mahmoud Younis with a water-lubricated Composite bearing from Thordon Bearings. The retrofit, which took place at the Port Said Shipyard’s floating drydock, follows the success of a similar installation aboard CSD Mashhour, the largest dredger in the SCA fleet. Its rubber cutterhead bearings were replaced last year, providing the first Thordon installation with the Authority.
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    NMDC Completes Umm Al Anber Refurbishment with Thordon Composite

    Oct 06, 2020
    Umm Al Anber, a 72m (236ft) heavy duty cutter suction dredger operated by Abu Dhabi-based National Marine Dredging Company (NMDC) has completed the refurbishment of its cutterhead shaft bearings as part of an extensive refit at Dubai Maritime City. Thordon Bearings’ Dubai-based distributor for the Middle East, Ocean Power International LLC (OPI), replaced the cutterhead and intermediate line shaft bearings like-for-like with Thordon’s water-lubricated Composite system. The turnkey project included shaft dismantlement, laser alignment, in-situ line boring, calibration, installation and commissioning.
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