Thordon Workboat NewsWorks 2019
Thordon’s web-based newsletter specifically developed for marine users of oil-free and grease-free bearings in the workboat sector. This newsletter includes feature articles highlighting our successes in the Workboat industry with RiverTough tailshaft bearings and TG100 shaft seals in both US Inland Waterways and around the world.
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Thordon Marine NewsWorks 2019
Thordon’s web-based newsletter specifically developed for marine users of oil-free and grease-free bearings. This newsletter includes feature articles about our Lifetime wearlife guarantee on COMPAC propeller shaft bearings, our continued success on Viking Cruise ships, our accomplishments with COMPAC and SeaThigor on Canadian Coast Guard vessels, the Elmer A. Sperry Award as well as other awards Thordon received for our innovative products.
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Thordon Hydro NewsWorks 2019
Thordon’s web-based newsletter specifically developed for hydro and clean power users of oil-free and grease-free bearings. This newsletter includes feature articles about multiple successful turbine guide bearing conversions, T-G DNALOP purchasing a small hydro power plant in Poland, and a recent success of Thordon installed in a tidal energy application.
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Thordon NewsWorks 2018
Thordon’s web-based newsletter specifically developed for marine users of oil-free and grease-free bearings. This newsletter includes feature articles about seawater being the only commercially viable EAL, new class rules, and Thordon's SeaThigor seal.
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Thordon NewsWorks 2016
Thordon’s web-based newsletter specifically developed for marine users of oil-free and grease-free bearings. This newsletter includes feature articles about changes to environmental regulations and awards, as well as successful installs of seawater lubricated propeller shaft bearing systems and a tail shaft bearing system.
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Thordon NewsWorks 2014
Thordon’s web-based newsletter specifically developed for hydro, industrial and pump users of oil-free and grease-free bearings. This newsletter includes feature articles about rehabilitated turbine guide bearings, vertical pump bearings installed on an offshore vessel and various industrial bearing applications.
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